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How to Make FUT 15 Coins for TOTY Packs


Today we are going to introduce some methods of making FIFA 15 coins PS3, Xbox and PC during TOTS pack openings!


TOTY Market Analysis
Supply and demand dictate a player's price. When supply exceeds demand, prices fall, like when many packs are opened due to a pack offering and/or the star-studded TOTW/TOTY/TOTS. When demand exceeds supply, prices rise, like when packs aren't opened due to a weak TOTW.Here you may want to know the best way for you to buy a cheap fifa 15 coins.During TOTY, numerous packs become available and the supply of many non-IF/TOTY players increase, thus prices fall. Besides, lots of gamers will constantly undercut one another to make a few quick coins to open more packs, thus the market will crash.


TOTY coins making or saving guides
First, gamers can sell mid-expensive players now or within the next week or so and play with a cheaper team. For example, holding out for a month or 6 weeks with a cheaper team to buy back desired team significantly cheaper during the market crash.

Second, for those who have an in-form that they believe will feature in the TOTY, sell him ASAP is the best choice. Because these in-forms will in all probability drop in price due to their supply temporarily rising due to FUTers anticipation of their TOTY in-form releasing and desires of putting what will be the inferio in-form card on the Transfer Market.


Third, gamers can purchase consumables and players (primarily gold) that provide a lot of upside during the market crash. Some players' prices will drop to a much larger extent than others. What gamers can perform is to identify these players by experience or analyzing the market and pick them up when feeling they are at their cheapest. This mainly coincides with when most packs are being opened. Generally, the best time to invest in Gold superstar players is during the BPL TOTY week, the Bundesliga TOTY week and the BBVA TOTY week.


Hope you can enjoy this article! Have a good time during FUT15 TOTY!